Biruni | ISSH

Tunisian Republic
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Jendouba

Last update: 19.04.2024 at 20:16


Since the late 90s, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Technology launched "BIRUNI” a project to computerize university libraries Tunisian. This project aims to provide libraries, in the shortest possible time, with the necessary resources and an efficient information system for a user-friendly and comprehensive access to existing documents in these libraries and to electronic resources available on international networks.

This new form of digital library called "BIRUNI" thus provides online access not only to documentation: catalogs of bibliographic databases, summaries and indexes, but also electronic journals, corpus of digitized works , scientific reports, educational materials, ... etc..

In this project, the Ministry also aims at promoting national academic works which are digitalized and made available online in an electronic catalogue.

Biruni aims to:

  • Be more efficient, more responsive by improving the quality of library services using Internet technologies;
  • Provide students and teachers with a quick and easy access to information sources;
  • Adapt to the new roles in the library, induced by the use of the Internet in curricula of (learning and teaching differently otherwise).

Browsing libraries with Biruni

With Biruni, users can search documents, books, journals... according to a large number of criteria:

  • Keywords from the title;
  • Author(s)
  • Topic
  • Location of the document by region, town or university library.



This space is devoted to ISSH students and teachers

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